
We develop innovative tools, instruments and artistic interventions that enable the reinterpretation of digital and analogue spaces.

Our approach is based on the idea of »augmented intelligence«, which aims to use natural and artificial intelligence to help shape the environment for the community in a meaningful way.

The focus is on creativity and the courage to venture into the unknown territory of current technological and social issues in order to actively shape the future.

Our mission: Encourage creativity. Research education. School development. Showing art. |

Our mission:

Encourage creativity. Research education. school development. Showing art. |

Our mission:

Encourage creativity. Research education. School development. Showing art. |


A particular focus is on the development of content for school lessons, where we enable new learning spaces with our approaches. 

It is important to us to encourage students creativity and to show how spatial thinking and aesthetic perception can be stimulated through analog-digital processes.


Sustainability is a central concern that is continuously incorporated into our research and projects. We are investigating the spaces in which we want to live and learn in the future. Which digital applications can we use to support our children and young people in their development?

Our vision is to develop innovative solutions for a future worth living.

Group 59 (1)

Our application open up: artistic universes | unlimited experiences | new spaces

Body and mind in action!

dARwing is continuously being developed and researched.

Workshops & News

Here you will find information about our future and past workshops, as well as the latest news about us and our work.

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Workshop / Atelier Tagging

June 1, 2024/

Workshop / Atelier Tagging Im Rahmen der Kaleidoscoopie #2 in Kooperation mit Atelier Mobile in Strasbourg Discover your street art style in the workshop »dARwing – embodied graffiti


May 27, 2024/

unnamed tree ∞/∞ opening Im Rahmen der Kaleidoscoopie #2 in Kooperation mit Ososphère im grenzüberschreitenden Ort Kaleidoscoop in Strasbourg 28.05.-2.06.2024  Die Applikation unnamed tree ist…

Poster KI & Lehre @MWK

April 1, 2024/

Poster AI & Teaching @MWK Poster presentation and testing of our tool dARwing (includes an AI model) as part of the networking event at the DHBW in...

Would you like to work with us?

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This is us - the founders of AugmentedCampus.

Angela Warnecke, geb. Murr

Angela is a sculptor, art teacher and researcher based in Stuttgart and Strasbourg. With a background as a draughtswoman and studies in architecture (Edinburgh College of Art, University of Stuttgart), production design (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg) as well as sculpture, art education and intermedia design (with Werner Pokorny, Joan Jonas, Sotirios Michou) at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Angela brings a wide range of expertise.

Her teaching activities include the artistic and interdisciplinary supervision of students in their projects (University of Stuttgart) as well as the teaching of didactic and methodological aspects in the subject of art (Freiburg University of Education). She also teaches art and computer science at secondary schools on an ongoing basis.

Fascinated from the outset by the combination of technology, performance and art, Angela develops applications such as »Hello World!«, »ARfx« und »unnamed tree«. She also realizes German-French cultural projects and gives workshops at festivals such as the ITFS or Popup Labor BW.

From 2013 to 2017, she headed the Center for Visual Arts and Intermedia Design (ZKIS(Centre for Visual Arts and Intermedia Design) at the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs in Stuttgart. Since 2006, she has been researching the topic of »Drawing and Space« by Prof. Dr. Martin Oswald at the university of education Weingarten. Most recently, she was in the Di.ge.LL-Kolleg of FACE (Freiburg Advanced Center of Education, School of Education). At the same time, she founded AugmentedCampus to further refine and pass on her expertise.

Mark F. Siller

Mark is Managing Director, Digital Pioneer, Mobile App and Expert in digital health and lives with his family in Heilbronn. With over 10 years of experience in the development and engineering of apps, particularly in the areas of augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI), Mark has established himself as a leading expert in the digital world. 

As Managing Director of AugmentedCampus UG, his company SevenD GmbH, he also brings innovative solutions and pioneering technologies to mobile app development in addition to this expertise as a manager. 

In addition to his professional activities, Mark has been passing on his knowledge and practice as a guest lecturer at the DHBW and Heilbronn University for over 8 years and is an active speaker at conferences. His lectures, seminars and spirit inspire and encourage the next generation of developers and engineers. 

© AugmentedCampus UG, 2024