AugmentedCampus is dedicated to the development of innovative software for new learning spaces in schools and the promotion of aesthetic and cultural education in public spaces. Our focus is on the creation of tools and artistic interventions that reinterpret digital and analog spaces.

Our approach is based on the idea of »augmented intelligence« which aims to shape our environment through the meaningful integration of natural and artificial intelligence. The focus is on creativity and the courage to venture into uncharted territory of current technological and social issues. In this way, we want to actively shape the future and enrich the community.

We invite you to join us in discovering new perspectives.


The development of innovative content for the new school subject of computer science, AI and media education in Baden-Württemberg is a matter close to our hearts. We are going beyond the traditional STEM subjects and creating new teaching and learning environments with a strong focus on the arts. The subject of Intermedia Design (IMG) in particular plays a central role here as an extension of the fine arts.

Our aim is to show how analog and digital processes in combination with creative design can promote both spatial thinking and aesthetic perception.


Sustainability is a central concern that is continuously incorporated into our research and projects. We are investigating the spaces in which we want to live and learn in the future. Which digital applications can we use to support our children and young people in their development? How can artistic interventions help to sensitise our view of the world?

Our vision is to maintain openness, to learn from different perspectives - especially from children - what is worth living for and to find innovative solutions.

Group 59 (1)

dARwing - the app that redefines creativity and communication.

Our starting point into a world full of possibilities:

Artistic Universes | Unlimited Experiences | New Spaces

Body and mind in action.

dARwing is more than just a drawing app - an interactive tool for art, dance, architecture and STEM subjects.

Workshops & News

Here you will find information about our future and past workshops, as well as the latest news about us and our work.

Would you like to work with us?

Great, then contact us today!


This is us - the founders of AugmentedCampus.

Angela Warnecke, geb. Murr

Angela is a sculptor, media artist and researcher with an interdisciplinary background. As a draughtswoman with studies in architecture, set design and art education (Edinburgh College of Art, Filmakademie BW, University of Stuttgart and ABK Stuttgart) verfügt sie über umfassende Kenntnisse in verschiedenen Bereichen. Sie betreute interdisziplinäre Projekte von Architekturstudierenden an der Universität Stuttgart und vermittelte fachdidaktische und methodische Inhalte an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg. Seit 20 Jahren unterrichtet sie Kunst, Medienbildung und Informatik am Gymnasium.

Angela verbindet in ihren Arbeiten Technologie, Performance und Kunst. Neben ihren Skulpturen entwickelt sie interaktive Anwendungen wie Hello World!, ARfx and unnamed tree. She is involved in Franco-German cultural projects and leads workshops, e.g. at ITFS or Labor BWFrom 2013 to 2017, she headed the Center for Visual Arts and Intermedia Design (ZKIS) des Kultusministeriums in Stuttgart. 

Seit 2009 forscht sie zum Thema »Raumverständnis als Schlüsselkompetenz«, zuletzt war sie von 2022 bis 2024 am TP 13 of FACE mit ihrem Projekt »Zeichen Zeichnen mit Mixed Reality zur Förderung des räumlichen Vorstellungs- und Darstellungsvermögens« tätig, wo sie dafür ihre 4. App zum räumlichen Zeichnen entwickelte. Um diese Anwendung weiter zu erforschen und der künstlerischen Praxis zur Verfügung zu stellen, gründete sie AugmentedCampus.

Mark F. Siller

Mark is Managing Director, Digital Pioneer, Mobile App and Expert in digital health and lives with his family in Heilbronn. With over 10 years of experience in the development and engineering of apps, particularly in the areas of augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI), Mark has established himself as a leading expert in the digital world. 

As Managing Director of AugmentedCampus UG, his company SevenD GmbH, he also brings innovative solutions and pioneering technologies to mobile app development in addition to this expertise as a manager. 

In addition to his professional activities, Mark has been passing on his knowledge and practice as a guest lecturer at the DHBW and Heilbronn University for over 8 years and is an active speaker at conferences. His lectures, seminars and spirit inspire and encourage the next generation of developers and engineers. 

© AugmentedCampus UG, 2024