unnamed tree ∞/∞ opening

As part of the Kaleidoscoopie #2 in cooperation with Ososphère in the cross-border location Kaleidoscoop in Strasbourg 28.05.-2.06.2024 

Die Application unnamed tree is part of the European participatory and generative art intervention Forest of unnamed tree ∞/∞/Port du Rhin by Angela Murr. The aim is to use technology to create a virtual natural space. Scanning a QR code opens the app »unnamed tree ∞/∞«that the artist developed together with developer Yannik Schrempp and AugmentedCampus. Each scan creates a virtual seed from which a tree grows. A random-based algorithm ensures that the virtual trees form unique structures. Little by little, the plants form a dynamic forest that symbolizes the idea of networking and encounters across cultural and geographical boundaries. Im »generate your seed-Ososphère-Lab« lädt Angela die Besucher/innen über die Woche ein individuelle QR-Codes zu erschaffen. Diese können auch mitgenommen und an einem Ort eigener Wahl digital eingepflanzt werden.

Border-crossing art intervention

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