Hand & mind in action

With dARwing you experience drawing directly. Your body, your hand becomes a drawing pencil.

Select the room line, line width and color, then draw freely into your surroundings. The only thing you need is your iPhone or iPad and a second person to point the device at you. Your movements will be visible on the display as a work of art and placed at the drawing location.

Both the final result and the process of creating the digital trace are saved. Later, you and others can view your artwork again at the drawing location, view it as an object in the cloud and even print it out as a physical work of art.

Artistic freedom in infinite spaces. Show your spirit & share it with the world!

Traces in public space

Making oneself visible is a basic human need. dARwing makes it possible to leave individual signs in public in augmented reality (AR) and to save and make them visible as required.  

You can specify who is allowed to see the digital tracks. The app has a group and class function that can be selected for this purpose. This is particularly suitable for lessons at school, allowing young people to develop their own exhibitions with virtual drawings or sculptures on various topics in the school playground. In addition to art lessons, mathematics lessons can also be used to experiment with geometric figures, for example, or to rediscover perspective and the horizon.

Anyone who wants to can also share a video during the drawing process or a 3D object with friends or on social media platforms after creating the digital spatial drawing and publish it individually. The focus here is on collaborative cooperation in the exchange between the drawing partners (drawers and recordists).

Workshop Tagging in the AC Drawing-Lab

Discover the interface between art, technology and cognition with dARwing in the AugmentedCampus Drawing Lab. 

This workshop with the teaching/learning setting »Drawing signs« examines how spatial imagination is promoted through physical movement and aesthetic design processes.

Based on the theory of embodied cognition (EC), this approach enables the body to be experienced as a tool through movements in space and thus to visually represent specific artistic modes of expression in space.

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